
Call Maker - David W Collins

David W Collins

Name: David W Collins

City: N. Dinwiddie

State: Virginia

Country: USA

Company Name: Rowanty Creek Yelpers


Dave's calls are tapered for appearance and are available with or without brass. He says, "The most important thing about my calls to me is their sound. I tune each one. If I won't hunt with it, then no body will because it goes in the trash. My calls are signed D Collins with a letter and a date.....W-2000 for winter 2000, S 2000 for spring or summer 2000 and F 2000 for fall 2000...which makes it easy to identify when the call was made. All my calls are personalized with the customer's name or nickname on the call....their preference

David lives in North Dinwiddie County Virginia. He has been making wing bone turkey calls for over 40 yrs (2018). As a young boy his Grandfather used to take him hunting along Rowany Creek. To this day it is his favorite place of all the places he has hunted

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