
Call Maker - Al Chapman


Al Chapman

Name: Al Chapman

City: Columbia

State: South Carolina

Country: USA

Company Name: A-OK Calls


Al Chapman's AOK pocket slate call has the truest tone of any call that I have used in the woods. On many hunts I have use it to coax wary gobblers off of the roost and have had birds come way across thick cut overs to it's content purrs and soft clucks. Use it as a stand alone call to drive him crazy or in tandem with a variety of other calls depending on your set up and get ready to smoke one! At the current asking price of $50 as of 2/2019 it wont take long to pay for itself in hunting success rate. This call is unique to typical pot slates with a more accurate soft tone. Al designed it for call wary or late season success, however it will call in birds from the frosty mornings of Mid March to the humid afternoons of early May.  Courtesy of Jeffrey Bradshaw.

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