
Call Maker - Henry Stephen Milner


Henry Stephen Milner
Henry Stephen Milner

Name: Henry Stephen Milner

City: Vaiden

State: Mississippi

Country: USA

Born: 1924

Died: 2018


Scratch boxes made by Mr Henry Milner of Vaiden , Mississippi. Mr. Milner worked with Mr. E . O. Mitchell on a railroad and they became very close friends and wonderful hunting companions. Mr. Milner was so articulate and intelligent. He lived to be approximately 93 years old and passed away last December (2018). I was so blessed to have met such a wonderful man. He was not known far and wide because he never sold but one turkey call and he returned the money to that person. He made them for friends and never received anything in return and in later years he could get a turkey call or possibly one of these wonderful walking canes by making a donation to his local church. Both Mr. Milner and Mr. Mitchell have been inducted to the Outdoorsman Sportsman's Hall of Fame in Leland , Mississippi.

Courtesy of Mark McPhail

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